Investiture of Hahrie Han as the Vonk Chair in Environmental Politics
On Friday, March 4th, UCSB will be hosting an event honoring Anton Vonk and Diane Boss, and the investiture of Hahrie to the Anton Vonk Chair in Environmental Politics.
Senior Leadership Strategy Session, Centre for Australian Progress
On February 1, the Centre for Australian Progress hosted a strategy session for senior leaders of NGO's to talk about engagement, organizing, and activism. See more info here.
Centre for Australian Progress Organisers Fellowship Alumni Retreat
Who says organizers don't have fun? The Centre for Australian Progress hosted their first alumni retreat for their organising fellows at the Paradise One Retreat in Byron Bay, Australia. It doesn't get much better than hosting a workshop to talk organising while sitting in the creek!
UCLA: Working Group on Contentious Politics and Organizations
In January, Hahrie presented her research focusing on field experiments about Integrated Voter Engagement in Ohio at UCLA's Working Group on Contentious Politics and Organizations in the Department of Sociology. Read more about the Ohio Organizing Collaborative's work on this study here.
Listen to Hahrie on a Podcast with Citizens Climate Lobby
On January 9th, Hahrie spoke with leaders of the Citizens Climate Lobby. Hear the podcast here!
The Future of Organizing - Contesting for Power in a Changing World
In December, the Ford Foundation and National People's Action co-hosted an event called " The Future of Organizing - Contesting for Power in a Changing World". Hahrie spoke about movement-building there, trying to share research about what we know about building grassroots power. See NPA's prezi about their work here.
Can hashtags and Facebook groups bring on real social change?
Hahrie spoke with Lila MacLellan of Quartz about the role of social media in building movements. Read the story here.
Hear Hahrie's Podcast about How Organizations Develop Activists
Hahrie Han is featured on the Scholars Strategy Network's podcast No Jargon this week. I hope you'll listen to it. The interview is Episode 8: Organizing for Leadership.
Hahrie Speaks about Mizzou Protests and the BLM Movements Continued Growth
Move UP: A Movement of United Professionals
In November, Hahrie flew to Vancouver to deliver a speech to Cope 378, a union focused on member-driven change. At their annual conference, they changed their name to Move UP: A Movement of United Professional to reflect this evolving ethos.