Welcome! This page lists some of the academic research generated by P3 Lab team members, including books, journal articles, book chapters and more. If you’re looking for content geared toward a public audience, check out the op-eds, videos, podcasts, and reports on our Resources page.
We have organized the research below into four (overlapping) topic areas:
1. Research on Collective Action, Social Movements, and Organizing
2. Research on Civic and Political Participation
3. Research on Environmental Advocacy and Health
4. Research on Polarization and Elections
Research on Collective Action, Social Movements, and Organizing
Hahrie Han, Elizabeth McKenna, and Michelle Oyakawa. Forthcoming January 2021. Prisms of the People: Power and Organizing in 21st c. American Politics. In production at University of Chicago Press.
- Op-ed based on this research published in The New York Times on December 17, 2019, and in another New York Times op-ed published on June 10, 2020
- Geoffrey Henderson and Hahrie Han, "Linking Members to Leaders: How Civic Associations Can Strengthen Members’ External Political Efficacy". American Politics Review. Forthcoming.
Geoffrey Henderson and Hahrie Han. “A Field Experiment on Small Donor Mobilization with Publicly Funded Campaign Finance Vouchers.” Forthcoming. Journal of Experimental Political Science.
- David Sherman, Michelle F. Shteyn, Hahrie Han, Leaf Van Boven. Forthcoming. “The exchange between citizens and elected officials: A social psychological framework for citizen climate activists.” Behavioural Public Policy. doi:10.1017/bpp.2020.41
Elizabeth McKenna, Michelle Oyakawa, and Hahrie Han. 2020. “Habits of Courage: Reconceptualizing Risk in Social Movement Organizing.” Journal of Community Psychology.
Hahrie Han and Carina Barnett-Loro. 2019. “To Support a Stronger Climate Movement, Focus Research on Building Collective Power.”Frontiers in Communication. (3): 55.
Paul Speer and Hahrie Han. 2019. “Re-Engaging Social Relationships and Collective Dimensions of Organizing to Revive Democratic Practice.” Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 6(2): 745-758.
Hahrie Han and Michelle Oyakawa. 2018. “Invigorating and Redirecting the Grassroots.” The Resistance: The Dawn of the Anti-Trump Opposition Movement. David Meyer and Sidney Tarrow, eds. New York: Oxford University Press.
Janice Fine, Hahrie Han, Aaron Sparks, Kyoung-Hee Yu. 2018 “ ’Greedy’ Institutions or Beloved Communities? Assessing the Job Satisfaction of Organizers.” Janice Fine, Linda Burnam, Kati Griffith, Minsun Ji, Victor Narro, Steven Pitts, and Teo Reyes, eds. No One Size Fits All: Worker Organization, Policy, and Movement for a New Economic Age.LERA Research Volume Series, distributed by ILR Press.
Hahrie Han, Aaron Sparks, and Nate Deshmukh Towery. 2017. “Opening up the Black Box: Citizen Group Strategies for Engaging Grassroots Activism in the 21st Century.” Interest Groups and Advocacy. 6(1): 22-43.
Hahrie Han. 2016. “The Organizational Roots of Political Activism: Field Experiments on Creating a Relational Context.” American Political Science Review. 110(2): 296-307.
Hahrie Han and Elizabeth McKenna. 2016. “The Untilled Field of Field Campaigns.” Perspectives on Politics. 14(3): 750-757.
Hahrie Han, Alexandra Nicholas, Margaret Aimer, Jonathon Gray. 2015. “An innovative community organizing campaign to improve mental health and wellbeing among Pacific Island youth in South Auckland, New Zealand.” Australasian Psychiatry. 23(6): 670-674.
Hahrie Han and Dara Strolovitch, 2015. “What the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street Illuminate about Bystander Publics as Proto Players.” In Players and Arenas: The Interactive Dynamics of Protest. Jan Willem Duyvendak and James M. Jasper, eds. Amsterdam University Press.
Chaeyoon Lim, Matthew Baggetta, Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Hahrie Han. 2011. “Civic Leadership in the Sierra Club.” In Interest Group Politics (8th edition). Allan Cigler and Burdett Loomis, eds. Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, and Kenneth T. Andrews. 2013. “Leading Associations: How Individual Characteristics and Team Dynamics Generate Committed Leaders.” American Sociological Review. 78(4): 544-573.
Hahrie Han. 2014. How Organizations Develop Activists: Civic Associations and Leadership in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
Elizabeth McKenna and Hahrie Han. 2014. Groundbreakers: How Obama’s 2.2 Million Activists Transformed Campaigns in America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hahrie Han, Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Matthew Baggetta, Chaeyoon Lim. 2011. "The Relationship of Leadership Quality to the Public Presence of Civic Associations." Perspectives on Politics. 9(1): 45-59.
Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, Chaeyoon Lim. 2010. “Leadership, Membership, and Voice: Civic Associations That Work.” American Journal of Sociology. 115(4): 1191-242.
Research on Civic and Political Participation
- Geoffrey Henderson and Hahrie Han, "Linking Members to Leaders: How Civic Associations Can Strengthen Members’ External Political Efficacy". American Politics Review. Forthcoming.
Geoffrey Henderson and Hahrie Han. “A Field Experiment on Small Donor Mobilization with Publicly Funded Campaign Finance Vouchers.” Forthcoming. Journal of Experimental Political Science.
Natalie Masuoka, Hahrie Han, Vivien Leung, Bang Quan Zheng. 2018. “Understanding the Asian American Vote in the 2016 Election.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics. 3(1): 189-215.
Eun-Sook Lee and Hahrie Han. 2018. “Engaging Korean Americans in Civic Activism.” Companion in Korean American Studies. Shelley Lee and Rachael Joo, eds. New York: Brill. 608-632.
Hahrie Han. 2016. “The Organizational Roots of Political Activism: Field Experiments on Creating a Relational Context.” American Political Science Review. 110(2): 296-307.
Hahrie Han and Elizabeth McKenna. 2016. “The Untilled Field of Field Campaigns.” Perspectives on Politics. 14(3): 750-757.
Chaeyoon Lim, Matthew Baggetta, Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Hahrie Han. 2011. “Civic Leadership in the Sierra Club.” In Interest Group Politics (8th edition). Allan Cigler and Burdett Loomis, eds. Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, and Kenneth T. Andrews. 2013. “Leading Associations: How Individual Characteristics and Team Dynamics Generate Committed Leaders.” American Sociological Review. 78(4): 544-573.
Hahrie Han. 2014. How Organizations Develop Activists: Civic Associations and Leadership in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
Elizabeth McKenna and Hahrie Han. 2014. Groundbreakers: How Obama’s 2.2 Million Activists Transformed Campaigns in America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hahrie Han. 2011. “What Civic Organizations Can Do to Engage Citizens in Environmental Action.” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. 54(1): 38-40.
Jane Booth-Tobin and Hahrie Han. 2010. “Motivated by Change: Political Activism of Young Women in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.” Women’s Studies Quarterly. 38(1&2): 115-129.
Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, Chaeyoon Lim. 2010. “Leadership, Membership, and Voice: Civic Associations That Work.” American Journal of Sociology. 115(4): 1191-242.
Hahrie Han. 2009. “Does the Content of Political Appeals Matter in Motivating Participation? A Field Experiment on Self-Disclosure in Political Appeals.” Political Behavior. 31(1): 103.
Hahrie Han. 2009. Moved to Action: Motivation, Participation, and Inequality in American Politics. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Research on Environmental Advocacy and Health
- Geoffrey Henderson and Hahrie Han, "Linking Members to Leaders: How Civic Associations Can Strengthen Members’ External Political Efficacy". American Politics Review. Forthcoming.
McGinty EE, Pressreischer R, Anderson KE, Han H, Barry CL (2020). Psychological distress and COVID-19 related stressors reported in a longitudinal cohort of U.S. adults in April and July 2020. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), in press.
- Barry CL, Han H, Presskreischer R, Anderson KE, McGinty EE. Public Support for Social Safety-Net Policies for Covid-19 in the US, April 2020. American Journal of Public Health. In Press.
- Emma McGinty, Rachel Presskreischer, Hahrie Han, Colleen Barry. "Psychological Distress and Loneliness Reported by US Adults in 2018 and April 2020." JAMA. Published online June 03, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.9740
David Sherman, Michelle F. Shteyn, Hahrie Han, Leaf Van Boven. Forthcoming. “The exchange between citizens and elected officials: A social psychological framework for citizen climate activists.” Behavioural Public Policy. doi:10.1017/bpp.2020.41
Hahrie Han and Carina Barnett-Loro. 2019. “To Support a Stronger Climate Movement, Focus Research on Building Collective Power.” Frontiers in Communication. (3): 55.
Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Hahrie Han, Teenie Matlock. 2017. “Educating Children to Bend the Curve: For a Stable Climate, Sustainable Nature, and Sustainable Humanity.” Children and Sustainable Development: Ecological Education in a Globalized World. A.M. Battro, P. Léna, M. Sánchez Sorondo, J. von Braun, eds. 3-16.
Hahrie Han, Aaron Sparks, and Nate Deshmukh Towery. 2017. “Opening up the Black Box: Citizen Group Strategies for Engaging Grassroots Activism in the 21st Century.” Interest Groups and Advocacy. 6(1): 22-43.
Anthony Barnosky, Teenie Matlock, Jon Christensen, Hahrie Han, Jack Miles, Ronald E. Rice, LeRoy Westerling, Lisa White. 2016. “Establishing Common Ground: Finding Better Ways to Communicate about Climate Disruption.” Collabra. 2(1): 23, 1-20.
Hahrie Han and Neil Stenhouse. 2015. “Bridging the Research-Practice Gap in Climate Communication: Lessons from One Academic-Practitioner Collaboration.” Science Communication. 37(3): 396-404.
Chaeyoon Lim, Matthew Baggetta, Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Hahrie Han. 2011. “Civic Leadership in the Sierra Club.” In Interest Group Politics (8th edition). Allan Cigler and Burdett Loomis, eds. Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, and Kenneth T. Andrews. 2013. “Leading Associations: How Individual Characteristics and Team Dynamics Generate Committed Leaders.” American Sociological Review. 78(4): 544-573.
Hahrie Han. 2014. How Organizations Develop Activists: Civic Associations and Leadership in the 21st Century. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hahrie Han. 2011. “What Civic Organizations Can Do to Engage Citizens in Environmental Action.” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. 54(1): 38-40.
Hahrie Han, Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Matthew Baggetta, Chaeyoon Lim. 2011. "The Relationship of Leadership Quality to the Public Presence of Civic Associations." Perspectives on Politics. 9(1): 45-59.
Kenneth Andrews, Marshall Ganz, Matthew Baggetta, Hahrie Han, Chaeyoon Lim. 2010. “Leadership, Membership, and Voice: Civic Associations That Work.” American Journal of Sociology. 115(4): 1191-242.
Hahrie Han. 2009. “Does the Content of Political Appeals Matter in Motivating Participation? A Field Experiment on Self-Disclosure in Political Appeals.” Political Behavior. 31(1): 103.
Research on Polarization and Elections
Natalie Masuoka, Hahrie Han, Vivien Leung, Bang Quan Zheng. 2018. “Understanding the Asian American Vote in the 2016 Election.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics. 3(1): 189-215.
Hahrie Han and Elizabeth McKenna. 2016. “The Untilled Field of Field Campaigns.” Perspectives on Politics. 14(3): 750-757.
David Brady and Hahrie Han. 2015. “Our Politics May be Polarized, but That’s Nothing New.” in Political Polarization in American Politics. John Sides and Daniel J. Hopkins, eds. New York: Bloomsbury Academic Press.
Elizabeth McKenna and Hahrie Han. 2014. Groundbreakers: How Obama’s 2.2 Million Activists Transformed Campaigns in America. New York: Oxford University Press.
Jane Booth-Tobin and Hahrie Han. 2010. “Motivated by Change: Political Activism of Young Women in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.” Women’s Studies Quarterly. 38(1&2): 115-129.
Hahrie Han and David W. Brady. 2007. “A Delayed Return to Historical Norms: Congressional Party Polarization after the Second World War.” British Journal of Political Science. 37(3): 505-531.
David W. Brady, Hahrie Han, and Jeremy C. Pope. 2007. “Primary Elections and Candidate Ideology: Out of Step with the Primary Electorate?” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 32(1): 79-106.
David W. Brady and Hahrie Han. 2006. “Polarization Then and Now: A Historical Perspective” Red and Blue Nation? Characteristics, Causes, and Chronology of America’s Polarized Politics. David W. Brady and Pietro S. Nivola, eds. Washington D.C.: Brookings and Hoover Press.